The Entrepreneur XP Tour engages entrepreneurs to encourage new ways of thinking about their businesses, their mission, and their impact.
TEXAS, SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 – Starting May 3, 2021, Fink & Fobbs Promotions will push forward in their educational workshops for entrepreneurs. This year’s Entrepreneur XP Tour will span from Texas to Toronto. This multi-state initiative from this seasoned entrepreneurial team of Tammy Fink & Dawn Fobbs, aimed at raising awareness of business building opportunities and support of existing entrepreneurs.
Over 30 million Americans are starting new businesses, and the majority of U.S. adults see good entrepreneurial opportunities around them, according to the latest U.S. GEM Report. This report also tells us that significant numbers of entrepreneurs may not have the resources needed to scale their business from startup mode. The report tells us that significant numbers of entrepreneurs are of diverse ethnicities, but that this isn’t the case for established business owners.
The ultimate goal of the Entrepreneur XP Tour is to inspire, encourage, and empower entrepreneurs to become more innovative leaders in business, life, and community. Doing so will not only benefit the entrepreneurs of today but will contribute to the overall success of generations of entrepreneurs and small business owners in the future.
The Entrepreneur XP Tour will be a traveling platform to share the experience with even more people. Attendees and event sponsors associated with the Entrepreneur XP Tour activities will be encouraged to…. take the pledge to Image the possibilities of creating economic value through something new or innovative.
#2 encouraged to take the pledge to Live the Dream of creating economic value through building stronger connections with joint venture partnerships and unique customer experiences.
Dawn Fobbs, co-founder of the event, Entrepreneur XP Tour said. “……….”
People can get involved by joining an Entrepreneur XP Masterclass workshop at By taking the workshop, individuals will become part of a community, working together to learn how to network, discover their brand, create joint ventures with other business owners, and how to build deeper connections with their customers. This is particularly important to self-starters, and solo-preneurs who tend to be overwhelmed at the volume of work they have taken upon themselves, and missing useful insight and advice from others. Apart from the Entrepreneur XP Masterclass, a second but exclusive opportunity for networking and mastermind conversations will be offered at each location, Entrepreneur VIP Mastermind XP.
This Entrepreneur XP Tour will leverage the power of the local small business organizations’ media portfolio and expansive network. The multi-organizational effort – being executed across multiple social media and traditional media platforms will include local agencies, local and national sponsors; consumer education and engagement; and innovative partnerships with like-minded organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) throughout the US and Canada.
To get involved with Entrepreneur XP Tour 2020, visit You can also head to to learn more about the event and keep up to date with location announcements, and individual Masterclass updates.